The colors of late fall often have the look of a painting
One of my daughters is a neuroscience major, and some day maybe she'll figure out the mystery of the addled brain.
I woke up the other day, ground the coffee, poured water in the machine, and sat down to look at the paper while coffee was brewing. It was about 8 minutes later that the spitting and dripping noises finally registered as something unusual. I had not put the coffee carafe in place. What a mess.
The same day, half an hour later, I showed up on the tennis court with my shirt inside out. Someone finally pointed it out about halfway through the match. "You know, there is that new style with the seams on the outside. I wasn't sure if you were just really in vogue, or not"
Not. Unless "dotty" is in vogue. At least I provide comic relief for my friends.
It is always reassuring to have the conversation with others. Seems like everyone has those moments when they run upstairs to get something, get to the top, and think..."what was it I was going to get up here?" Or you're driving down the road to one place, and suddenly you find yourself on the road to someplace else, that you are more in the habit of driving to. Auto pilot kicks in, conscious brain kicks out.
You just have to laugh, and hope it's the temporary kind.
That never happens to me...